Super Dark Deception

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What could be more exhilarating than a horror in real-time with your friends? Today, you have the opportunity to delve into the thrilling Dark Deception. You may already be familiar with the premise of navigating deadly mazes teeming with terrifying monsters and cunning traps. Let’s delve into this adventure. This time around, you will be facing off against a whole crowd of evil adversaries. So, let’s uncover how the game is structured and what your role entails.

What’s your objective?

To begin, you must make a choice: you can opt to be either a mortal or a monster. If you decide to be a mortal, your objective is to gather shards for survival while eluding your pursuing enemies. On the other hand, if you assume the role of a monster, your mission is straightforward: eliminate all the mortals! You can form alliances with fellow players to collectively combat the monsters. In this scenario, your team’s goal is to gather all the shards and escape from the pursuing enemy. In another mode, all mortals find themselves pitted against each other, and they must also evade the relentless monster. If you fail in this battle, you, too, are transformed into an eerie monster. Select the mode that attracts you the most and savor the experience to the fullest. Go through endless thrills.

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