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This harrowing journey will make you doubt your sanity and shiver with fear. This time, you are alone in a terrible maze. Even with no opponent and monsters, it is going to be a spine-chilling experience. At first glance, the task is clear – you are to navigate a labyrinth and find an exit. But soon, you will discover that this is a real challenge. You will pass endless rooms and corridors. They all seem the same – with yellowish walls and dull bulbs. You walk without a stop and with no obvious result. No furniture is to be seen around – only occasional items are scattered here and there. Even being alone here, you develop a really unpleasant feeling that someone is watching you.

Will you escape?

The more you walk the less hope remains to discover the exit. You soon realize that you’re trapped within a bewildering maze. It is not enough to simply move forward. You should change your approach if you want to survive. Take a closer look at your surroundings, you may notice some objects you ignored before. Inspect these items – they may hold essential clues for progressing through this nightmarish place. Pay special attention to any fragments of paper you encounter, ensuring you collect them all. As you piece together these fragments, they unveil a cryptic message. It becomes apparent that you aren’t the first individual ensnared within this enigmatic maze. Will you possess the wits to escape this nightmarish location?

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