I’m On Observation Duty 2

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Welcome to an atmospheric and addictive horror adventure which will let you dive into the depth of true fear. Here, you will assume the role of a security guard. However, you will work in a remote mode. The task is to monitor hidden cameras and try not to miss a single strange event on the screen. In order to survive the whole night, you will need attentiveness, endurance and courage. Are you sure you are brave enough to immerse in the creepy and oppressive atmosphere? From time to time, you will face various kinds of anomalies. And you need not to miss any of them!

It’s a plethora of anomalies!

At first glance, it may seem you will have to control just one camera, and there is nothing special about it. However, you will have to monitor many places at once. Moreover, it is vital for you to record every anomaly and add place and precise time it occurred. Each anomaly will be unique, and to survive through the night, you will need a lot of resilience, stamina and strength. The rules of the game sound quite simple, but actually you will something that will make you doubt your sanity. Are you still ready to take on the challenge? There are two levels in this installment – The Cursed House and The House of the Past. Select the one you want to experience and get started!

Do not miss any strange thing!

The anomalies come in all forms and shapes. You should not just the fix every strange thing, but correctly describe it. The task is complicated by the fact that some of these paranormal things are actually intruders. You will encounter a lot of evil creatures whose appearance will make blood freeze in your veins. They will produce really nerve-wracking sounds to make you jump. Do not allow them to scare you to death. Be prepared to see strange creatures in almost every room of the premises you monitor. This entertainment is a great choice if you are looking for a bunch of thrills and jumpscares. You will find plenty of them here! Prove you are smart and courageous to handle this trial.

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