I’m On Observation Duty 4

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The horror series of I’m on Observation Duty offers to go through new thrills and jumpscares in its new episode. The main idea remains with no changes – you turn into a night guard. However, you are not to be physically available in the place you are to monitor. It is done distantly! Your task is to spend a night equipped with a computer and surveillance cameras installed in the premises you need to look after. So you will be controlling everything on the screen and fix everything that seems strange. Are you ready to start the challenge? Then waste no more time – your first shift is about to start!

It’s only for brave players!

While it may seem that the game is just a simple adventure, the walkthrough hides a lot of thrills. The thing is that the house you watch is not going to be broken by the thieves. Everything is much scarier! You will face some paranormal phenomena that may cause even the bravest player feel uncomfortable. No wonder – you will see different things that have no explanation. For example, it may be moving or displaced furniture, disappeared things and more. But what is really frightening is intruders. These are terrible monstrous-looking creature that pop up from literally nowhere and in any place. And you must react with no delays. Some of them are really dangerous despite that are only on the screen. If you miss to report the intruder anomaly in time, the evil personage may even kill you! So remain on the alert all the night through if you want to survive. Are you sure you can really cope?

How to play?

You will see a residential property on the screen in front of you. You are to navigate it, moving from one room to another. You are to control absolutely all areas, including halls and bathrooms. The place may be empty one moment, but the next minute everything changes, making you jump in fear! All the eerie creatures you may meet here will produce terrible sounds that will drive you insane! The only way to remove a danger is to immediately react to any anomaly and send a report in time. You will need your reflexes to work flawlessly if you want to remain alive. This is the main feature of the game – it may be over for you at any moment if you are slow and unsure about your actions. Do not risk! Make sure you can hold out till the last minute of your shift. There are endless variants of endings. But the actual outcome depends only on your agility. Prove you can do it with no effort.

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