I’m On Observation Duty 5

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Do you believe monsters are scary if they appear only on the screen? If you believe it is just fun, welcome to a new project that will show you how it really feels. It is I’m on Observation duty 5, a new episode in the exciting horror series. It is overloaded with all sorts of paranormal creatures. Even if they are the other side of computer screen, you cannot relax even for a moment. You know well their super ability – they can easily materialize behind you! Only this knowledge can fill you with unbelievable fear! Are you still here? Then let’s start!

What’s your objective?

According to the plot, you are a guard. However, your job is quite interesting. You will monitor different premises remotely. In other words, you will sit in a separate room and control different areas via surveillance cameras. At first glance, it may seem that the house is abandoned. But this opinion is false. Even if you really will not see people around, you are going to encounter something much worse. What can it be in the empty space? These are paranormal creatures that will behave strangely and produce scary sounds. What are you supposed to do to avoid any harmful consequences? You must report these anomalies timely to deactivate them. You will need to act fast to respond to all these threats. Otherwise, it may be too late! How long will you manage to escape the mistake? Someone seems to be waiting for you to fail! So be extremely careful!

Will you survive till the morning?

You are working in the night shift. And you will almost physically feel the presence of all these monster around you. The thing is that they have enough powers to reach you even through the screen if they want to. So you must not lose your vigilance even for a second. Any delay may become fatal for you. You cannot spend too much on one place – keep switching the cameras from one room to another. But be prepared to see a threat absolutely everywhere. Do your best to react properly – send an instant anomaly report to disarm the monster! The anomalies will pile with the advance of the night. Do not allow these ugly creatures to confuse you. Focus on your work and try to make it through to the morning. Note that your report should not skip even a single creature if you want to successfully finish your dreadful shift and survive! Do you feel you are strong enough for this challenge? Prove it right now!

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